Many people do not realize this, but the toothpaste you use can have a major impact on the condition of dental veneers. Some toothpastes are better than others. In fact, using the wrong type of toothpaste could remove years of veneer life, requiring premature replacement.
To prolong the life of dental veneers we can provide you with some tips on proper care to use the right toothpaste if you have dental veneers.
Some information about toothpaste not recommended
Why should you avoid whitening toothpastes?
Teeth whitening toothpastes can do more harm than good. Hydrogen peroxide in toothpaste for whitening will not whiten the veneer material. In fact, hydrogen peroxide causes the “softening” of the material from which dental veneers are made. This means that while brushing your teeth with a whitening toothpaste, you could actually damage the prosthetic work. Over time, this can have a major impact on the structure and appearance of teeth.
Why should you avoid overly abrasive toothpastes with an RDA over 150?
Abrasive ingredients are common in so many toothpastes. Baking soda is an example of an abrasive. Others include dehydrated silicon gels. These tiny particles for polishing may seem harmless, but they can act as a fine-grained sandpaper on the teeth and especially on the dental veneers. Over time, abrasives will have a guaranteed effect. Toothpaste for whitening that also has ingredients with high abrasiveness will do even more damage.
Why are toothpastes with abrasivity up to 150 RDA recommended?
Given the above issues, we recommend that customers use toothpastes with low or medium abrasivity RDA (40-110). These types of toothpastes are recommended because they won’t scratch or damage teeth or veneers, and some don’t contain chemicals that can harm the material. Although it is said that low abrasiveness in veneers is ideal, we recommend toothpastes that have an RDA around 100 because they can clean both teeth and veneers very well without adjacent risks.
Why does the toothbrush matter?
In addition to the right toothpaste, the toothbrush you use can also make a difference. The wrong toothbrush can damage prosthetic work over time and can be harmful to your natural teeth or gums.
The ideal toothbrush is one that has soft or medium bristles and a small head. The brushes won’t damage your teeth or dental veneers and the small head will allow you to reach all the hard-to-reach parts of your mouth. Being gentle but thorough while brushing your teeth is always best practice.
Continue to visit your dentist regularly
While brushing and flossing and / or irrigating, as usual, are great for improving long-term dental health, it is important to visit your dentist regularly for routine checkups. By going to the control every 6 months, you will be able to identify in advance any problems that may cause premature replacement of the dental veneers.